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April 24, 2017

Chili Dog With Sour Cream & Cilantro

Post by Hotdog.Recipes

Chili Dog With Sour Cream & Cilantro. A good Chili Dog! I dare you not to appreciate it! There are many variations in Chili Dogs but I favour a recipe including the fresh taste of sour cream and the typical  taste of Cilantro. Feel free to experiment with my Chili Con Carne recipe. Taste differs […]


June 27, 2016

Honey Mustard Arugula Hotdog

Post by Hotdog.Recipes

Here’s my first recipe: Honey Mustard Arugula Hotdog! The combination of different ingredients is absolutely worth trying. I use a Dijon mustard that’s quite hot/spicy (I’m not sure if that’s the proper word..) which gives it an extra dimension! The Parmesan cheese I used is called Prima Donna Forte but any Parmesan cheese, or even […]